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  • 📣 Latest News: ATF Updates, OK Handgun Laws, and Big Changes To Our Newsletter!

📣 Latest News: ATF Updates, OK Handgun Laws, and Big Changes To Our Newsletter!

Trivia Question?

What is the name of the iconic lever-action rifle introduced by Uberti in 1959?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Big Changes Coming To Our Newsletter

Hello AGOA Supporters,

We have an important update to share with you. Due to rising operational costs, we need to adapt. Starting next month, we'll be introducing a modestly priced subscription at just $4 a month — less than the cost of a weekly coffee for three detailed updates each week.

For only 14 cents per email, you'll continue to receive our in-depth 2A analysis every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with free access still available for our Wednesday edition. This necessary step ensures we can sustain the quality content you expect and support our dedicated team.

We hope you'll stand with us during this transition. Your subscription helps us keep delivering the crucial Second Amendment insights you rely on.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

In Today’s Email

  •  ðŸ“Š Ammo Mag Report

  • 🔒ATF Sales Criteria

  • 🔞 OK Handgun Legislation

  • 🚸 NRA President's Clarification

  • 📜 NY's 2A Stance

Unveiling Hidden Agendas Behind Rising Gun Manufacturer Lawsuits

Braden Langley from Langley Outdoors Academy examines the increasing lawsuits against gun manufacturers, pointing out efforts to undermine Second Amendment rights by attacking federal immunity and probing international legal frameworks. These actions suggest potential Supreme Court involvement.

Langley discusses how gun control advocates are using the legal system strategically. They focus on negligence claims and marketing practices to manipulate industry standards, aiming to further their control agenda.

Delving into the Mexico lawsuit, Langley outlines the complexities of proving complicity in trafficking by gun manufacturers. Despite the challenges, proponents of gun control press on, driven by broader objectives. His analysis encourages viewers to contemplate the deep-seated motives and the broader implications for the gun industry and Second Amendment rights.

National Report Reveals: Majority of U.S. Ammunition Magazines High Capacity

A recent report from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) shows that out of approximately 964 million ammunition magazines in the U.S., about 718 million can hold over ten rounds.

Reflecting a widespread preference, nearly half of these are rifle magazines, each accommodating more than 30 rounds.

These figures not only highlight the practical applications of these magazines in self-defense, target shooting, and hunting but also feed into ongoing discussions about magazine capacity laws, demonstrating the commonality of high-capacity magazines among civilians.

ATF Tightens Criteria for Firearm Sales, Aiming to Close 'Gun Show Loophole

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has updated its definition of "engaged in the business" concerning firearm sales, tightening the criteria between private and commercial sales.

This change requires more sellers to obtain Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs), aiming to bridge the "gun show loophole." The revision enhances background checks and ATF supervision while preserving private sale conditions.

Although critics deem this an overreach, it is milder than other recent ATF actions. This policy also introduces more rigorous controls on FFL-related transactions to enhance record-keeping and ensure regulatory compliance.

Legislation Passed to Allow 18-20-Year-Olds to Buy Handguns

Oklahoma’s State Powers Committee has approved a measure that permits 18- to 20-year-olds to buy handguns, passing with a 6-to-1 vote. Sponsored by Republican Sen. David Bullard, the legislation aims to remove age-based barriers to firearm purchases in the state.

This policy shift responds to ongoing national discussions and legal challenges surrounding the constitutional rights of young adults, specifically their Second Amendment rights.

Proponents argue that young adults entrusted with other adult responsibilities should likewise have their right to bear arms acknowledged. This stance is bolstered by recent judicial decisions that have questioned similar age restrictions.

NRA President Debunks Myths: Firearms Not Leading Cause of Child Deaths

In a recent column, NRA President Charles L. Cotton addresses and counters misleading narratives that label firearms as the leading cause of death among children. Leveraging CDC data, Cotton clarifies that firearms do not rank within the top five causes of accidental child deaths under 15.

He critiques the media and political figures for distorting gun control facts, highlighting biased reporting on semi-automatic firearms and misrepresentations concerning firearms in Mexico.

Cotton also points out the risks of legislation like the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, which he believes could formalize biased reporting by linking government funding with media and technology sectors.

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Historical Aversion to Second Amendment Rights in the Spotlight

In New York, a historical bastion of American loyalism, a longstanding reluctance to support the Second Amendment continues. This attitude originated from its leaders' initial hesitation to appear disloyal to Britain, fostering a persistent governmental aversion to armed self-defense.

Despite formally adopting the Bill of Rights, New York has actively shaped legislation and propaganda to undermine these freedoms, enforcing stringent controls under the pretense of public safety, thereby distancing itself from constitutional protections of individual gun rights.

This reflects a broader, persistent mistrust of the populace's right to self-defense.

🤔Interesting Facts🤔

  • The Madsen M50, a Danish submachine gun designed in the late 1940s, featured a unique top-mounted magazine and a simple, reliable design. It was used by various military and police forces around the world.

  • The Chauchat, a French light machine gun used extensively during World War I, was known for its poor reliability and performance. Despite its shortcomings, it was one of the most widely produced weapons of the war.

  • The Owen Gun, an Australian submachine gun used during World War II, was highly regarded for its reliability and effectiveness in jungle warfare. Its unusual top-mounted magazine made it well-suited for firing from the prone position.

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:

Uberti 1866 Yellowboy

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